Countdown to Bloomsday 2012: A 130th Birthday Reading

Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay

As we approach Bloomsday, June 16, I will be trawling the internet for daily gobbets of Joycean interest, culminating in a series of podcasts to begin on the glorious day itself. Each segment features Frank Delaney taking a short passage from Ulysses and exploring its multitude of references with insight, eloquence, passion, vast expertise—and a good dose of fun. Since they are broadcast weekly, and began on Bloomsday 2010, I will post one a day until we’re caught up.

turbidus is also regularly posting clips during the countdown. While we may sometimes duplicate, you’re quite likely to find material there that I haven’t posted, and vice versa.

February 2, 2012, was Joyce’s 130th birthday. Here’s Frank Delaney giving a reading in his honour in Madison Square Park, New York City.

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4 thoughts on “Countdown to Bloomsday 2012: A 130th Birthday Reading

  1. teamdave says:

    Frank Delaney, some man!

  2. […] Countdown to Bloomsday 2012: A 130th Birthday Reading This entry was posted in News by Act The Maggot. Bookmark the permalink. […]

  3. yeltnuh says:

    Thanks, my friendly neighbourhood Maggot. 🙂

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