(poem of the day) Chewing Slowly by Kabir

Chewing Slowly


Chewing slowly,
Only after I’d eaten
My grandmother,
Two brothers-in-law,
And father-in-law
(His big family included)
In that order,
And had for dessert
The town’s inhabitants,
Did I find, says Kabir,
The beloved that I’ve become
One with.

Kabir with a disciple.


4 thoughts on “(poem of the day) Chewing Slowly by Kabir

  1. Matt Heckler says:

    … Is this poem about what I think it is about? :O

  2. Judith Post says:

    Hmmm, makes me think of all sorts of possibilities. Literally? Metaphorically? Never so many nuances to “become One with”???? I’m a foodie, but this might be pushing it:)

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